T0142 - Accidental public disclosure of internal resources

This technique involves searching for internal resources that have been inadvertently made public and are accessible to anyone on the internet. An attacker can use this technique to identify internal resources that may contain sensitive information such as passwords, API keys, or other credentials. They can also use this technique to identify other internal resources that may be of interest, such as databases or servers. There are several ways that internal resources can be accidentally made public, including misconfigured security settings, unintentional exposure of credentials, or through the use of unsecured storage buckets. When resources are accidentally made public, it can be easy for an attacker to locate and access them.

ID: T0142
Type: Technique
Tactic: Reconnaissance
Summary: Accidental public disclosure of internal resources
State: draft






Enable data encryption at rest
Encryption at rest is essential for preventing data breaches, complying with data privacy regulations, and protecting sensitive data. Organizations must identify which data needs encryption, select appropriate encryption algorithms and key management strategies, and regularly audit and assess their encryption at rest implementation. Check your cloud provider documentation for more details on how to enable data encryption at rest.
Enable data sencryption in transit
Data encryption in transit is a critical security control in cloud computing that involves encrypting data as it moves between two points over a network or the internet. This is important to prevent data breaches, protect sensitive data, and comply with data privacy regulations. Cloud service providers use various encryption protocols to establish a secure communication channel, and organizations should ensure that encryption is properly implemented and verified. To implement data encryption in transit, cloud service providers use various encryption protocols such as Transport Layer Security (TLS), Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), and Internet Protocol Security (IPsec). These protocols use encryption keys and digital certificates to establish a secure communication channel between the sender and receiver. The encryption process ensures that data is scrambled and unreadable to anyone without the proper decryption key. Check your cloud provider documentation for more details on how to enable data encryption in transit.
Implement strict access control for clouds
Limit access to cloud resources to only authorized users and ensure that proper authentication and authorization mechanisms are in place.
Implement regular patches and updates
Regular patches and updates are necessary to improve the security, performance, and reliability of software and systems. They include bug fixes, security updates, and performance improvements. Regular patches and updates also ensure compatibility with new technologies and can help maintain compliance with regulatory standards. Failure to install patches and updates can leave systems vulnerable to security threats, cause system failures or crashes, and limit the functionality of software and systems.






Implement regular security audit and review
Conduct regular security audits and vulnerability assessments of your systems and storages configurations to identify and address any potential misconfigurations or vulnerabilities that could lead to exposed storage. This includes reviewing access controls, encryption settings, and other security configurations to ensure they are aligned with best practices and organizational security policies.
Implement penetration testing
Penetration testing, also known as ethical hacking or vulnerability assessment, is a proactive approach to mitigating cybersecurity risks. It involves simulating real-world cyber attacks on a system, network, or application in a controlled and authorized manner to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses that could be exploited by malicious actors.
Implement vulnerability assesment
Vulnerability assessment is a proactive approach to mitigating cybersecurity risks by systematically identifying, evaluating, and prioritizing vulnerabilities in a system, network, or application. It involves conducting regular assessments to identify potential weaknesses that could be exploited by attackers, and taking appropriate actions to remediate or mitigate those vulnerabilities.
Implement Intrusion Detection System and anti-malware
An intrusion detection system (IDS) is a security tool designed to detect and alert on unauthorized access to a computer system or network. Implementing intrusion detection systems (IDS) and anti-malware software can help to identify and block malicious activity. IDS is a critical security tool that helps organizations to detect and respond to security incidents in a timely manner. By providing real-time monitoring and analysis of network traffic, IDS can help organizations to stay ahead of potential threats and reduce the risk of a security breach.
Implement endpoint detection and response system
An endpoint detection and response (EDR) system is a security tool designed to detect and respond to security incidents on endpoints, such as desktops, laptops, servers, and mobile devices. There are several reasons why an EDR system is essential for maintaining the security of endpoints: 1. Threat Detection: EDR can detect and alert on a wide range of threats, including malware, ransomware, and other types of attacks that may not be detected by traditional antivirus software. 2. Rapid Incident Response: EDR can help security teams to rapidly detect, investigate, and respond to security incidents on endpoints. EDR systems can provide detailed information about the scope and impact of an attack, enabling security personnel to respond quickly and effectively. 3. Behavioral Analysis: EDR can monitor endpoint behavior to detect and alert on suspicious or anomalous activity. This helps security teams to identify and respond to threats that may be missed by traditional signature-based detection. 4. Endpoint Visibility: EDR provides visibility into endpoint activity, including processes, network connections, and file activity. This helps security teams to identify potential attack vectors and take proactive measures to prevent future incidents.


  1. https://duo.com/blog/beyond-s3-exposed-resources-on-aws